Latest 100 pipers price in Kolkata 180ml,375ml, 750ml (Updated 2025)

100 pipers price in Kolkata: Here is the current updated 100 pipers price list provided for Kolkata. Here you can check the latest 100 pipers prices in Kolkata and the different variants of 100 pipers in India.

100 pipers whiskey is available in 6 different volumes in India. This is popular blended scotch whiskey. Pernod Ricard manufactures the well-known blended Scotch whisky 100 Pipers in India. Initially, it was produced by Seagram Distillers in 1965, 100 Pipers ultimately joined Pernod Ricard’s global portfolio after the company purchased Seagram’s global business.

100 Pipers Scotch whisky was manufactured by Chivas Brothers, a famous Scotch whisky company in Scotland.

The price for 100 Pipers in Kolkata is ₹1380 for 750ml and ₹720 for 375ml.

100 Pipers was named after a well-known Scottish song called “The Hundred Pipers,” which tells the story of the brave Scottish freedom fighters during the Jacobite uprising in 1745.

100 pipers whisky is available in different volumes: 100 pipers available in 6 Different Bottle Sizes which include 60ml, 90ml, 180ml, 375ml, 750ml, and 1000ml.

  • 100 pipers 60ml
  • 100 pipers 90ml
  • 100 pipers 180ml
  • 100 pipers 375ml
  • 100 pipers 750ml
  • 100 pipers 1000ml

100 Pipers price in Kolkata

Brand + VolumePrice
100 pipers price 60mlRs.110
100 pipers price 90mlRs.160
100 pipers price 180mlRs.380
100 pipers price 375mlRs.720
100 pipers price 750mlRs.1380
100 pipers price 1000mlRs.1550

About 100 Pipers Whisky In India

Country of OriginScotland
Region of OriginBlended
The alcohol percentage of 100 pipers43%

Variants of 100 pipers whisky

The 100 Pipers has excellent taste, but it’s also reasonably priced and accessible to customers. whether you drink whisky occasionally or Regularly, you should read this post to know the latest 100 Pipers price in Kolkata.

  1. 100 Pipers Deluxe Scotch Whisky
  2. 100 Pipers 12-Year-Old
  3. 100 Pipers “Aged 25 Years” Limited Edition
  4. 100 Pipers “Expressions” Series

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