Blue label price in Kolkata 180ml, 375ml, 750ml

Blue label price in Kolkata: The popular whisky brand Johnnie Walker manufactures the premium scotch whisky Blue Label. Not only in India but all around the world, Blue Label whisky is known as one of the most expensive whiskies.

John Walker established the company in 1865, and it is currently produced by the British global corporation Diageo. At first, John Walker managed a grocery store. after some time, he began to sell his own brand of blended malt whiskies.

His whiskies became extremely popular among the locals in the area. He sold them, however, according to orders because he lack a brand identity. After some time, John Walker started to refer to his whisky under his own name, Walker’s Kilmarnock.

Blue-label whisky is available in different variants :

  • Blue label 180ML
  • Blue label 375ML
  • Blue label 750ML
Blue label price in Kolkata
Blue label price in Kolkata

Blue label price in Kolkata

Blue label price in Kolkata Volume Price
Blue label price in Kolkata 180mlRs.3200
Blue label price in Kolkata 375mlRs.6500
Blue label price in Kolkata 750mlRs.12740

latest Blue label price in Delhi 2024

Johnnie Walker Blue Label Blended Scotch Whisky 750mlRs.15750
Johnnie Walker Blue Label Blended Scotch Whisky 1000mlRs.25190
Johnnie Walker Blue Ghost And Rare Glenury Blended Scotch Whisky 750mlRs.23020

Blue label price in West Bengal

Blue label price in West BengalPrice
Blue label price in Kolkata 180mlRs.3200
Blue label price in Kolkata 375mlRs.6500
Blue label price in Kolkata 750mlRs.12740

Blue label price in Kolkata
Blue label price in Kolkata

Blue label

n the United States, a 750ml bottle of Blue Label can cost around Rs.12000.
Blue Label is made from a blend of rare and exceptional whiskies that have been aged for a minimum of 25 years.
Blue label whisky is aged for 25 years.
The alcohol percentage, or ABV (alcohol by volume), of Blue Label is 40%. This is the standard ABV for most blended Scotch whiskies, including those in the Johnnie Walker range.

Blue Label is a special type of Scotch whisky that is considered very fancy. It is famous for being rare, having many different flavors, and coming in a fancy package. It might be expensive, but if you like fancy drinks, it’s definitely worth trying.

Johnnie Walker Blue Label whisky

TypeScotch whisky
Alcohol Percentage40%
Country of originScotland
Establishment Year1865

Johnnie walker Variants

Local taxes, bottle size, and the store where it is being sold are just a few of the factors that may affect how much Blue Label whisky cost. For the most accurate Blue Label Price in Kolkata, it is advised to check with your area dealer.

  1. Johnnie Walker Red Label
  2. Johnnie Walker Black Label
  3. Johnnie Walker Double Black
  4. Johnnie Walker Green Label
  5. Johnnie Walker Gold Label Reserve
  6. Johnnie Walker Platinum Labe
  7. Johnnie Walker Blue Label

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